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Sybiltec's Blog

Free Workshops for Greenwich Borough

We are pleased to be running a new series of free workshops for businesses and organisations based in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Attend our workshops to learn the vital skills and strategies you need to succeed. …

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Thriving Through Change: Smart Website Strategies for Small Business Success

In the digital age, a well-optimised website is more than just a business card; it's a powerful tool to ensure the success and resilience of your business during uncertain times. We explore the critical strategies that can transform your website into a robust platform for growth. …

Explore Website Strategies >>

A Quick Guide to Website Compliance

Is your website compliant? As a business owner, there are certain legal requirements that your website must meet. In this article, we discuss accessibility regulations (WCAG), data protection regulations (GDPR) and other UK laws. …

Is Your Website Compliant? >>

Cyber Security Best Practices for Business

Cybercrime is constantly on the rise; make sure to keep yourself, your business and your customers safe by following the tips and advice in this blog. By following good cyber security practices, you can enjoy a safe and secure experience both online and offline. …

Secure My Business >>

8 Ways to Speed Up Your Windows PC

It can be frustrating to deal with a slow computer. But if you're tempted to throw it away, first consider these 8 things you can try in order to speed it up! …

Speed Up My PC >>

9 Ways to Improve the UX (User Experience) of Your Website

User experience (or UX) is all about how your website visitors feel when they are browsing your website. Is it a positive or negative experience? Do they feel happy and satisfied, or angry and frustrated? Read the article for 8 ways to improve your website's user experience. …

Improve My UX >>

Accessible Design: Creating an Inclusive Website

Designing an accessible website means creating web content that's usable for all types of users, including those with impairments and disabilities. Read the article for simple tips on how to make your website more accessible …

Accessible Website Design >>

How to Use Google Search Console: a Quick Guide

Improving your website's SEO begins with understanding the search performace of your site. Read this guide on how to create a property, view your metrics, fix page indexing issues and more. …

Use Google Search Console >>

10 Best Free WordPress Plugins

WordPress is one of the most popular website builder platforms on the internet. One reason why is the vast selection of plugins available, allowing you to build almost anything you can imagine. WordPress provides you with the essential tools you need to create a blog, but unless you are building a very basic site, you will need at least a few plugins to give you those additional functionalities. …

Best WordPress Plugins >>

10 Common Website Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Having analysed a huge number of websites over the past few years, I've noticed that a few mistakes tend to appear again and again. Have a read of the following article and make sure you aren't making the same mistakes on your website. …

Avoid the Mistakes >>

How to Choose a Web Designer

Building a website may be a daunting task if you've never done it before or you don't have the time and/or skills to do it. Hiring a professional may be the best option, but with so much choice, it's difficult to find the right person for the job. Read this post to find out how you can choose the best web designer for your project. …

Choose a Web Designer >>

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